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Simply Escorts News Archives - Simply Escorts

Simply Escorts News

Happy Good Friday by Simply Escorts

This would normally be the start of the Easter holidays. We would have a joyous 4 days break after the hard work that most people endure from there day to day jobs. A time to spend with there families if they are able.

The singletons would normally pick up the phone and call Simply Escorts to occupy their time for a few days, and why not, if you are able. Now would be a very busy time for the escort industry. The difference is that we are having a 3 month holiday instead at the moment.

Unfortunately we cannot book anyone as the lock down restricts us. We suspect that the industry will start with a massive boom once the restriction is lifted and Simply Escorts will be right there waiting for you. Think of all that money that is being saved as no one can spend their wages. Why not treat yourself and indulge in an escort to make your dreams come true.

Booking an escort is an experience and we will keep you at ease. Our escorts are professionals and are at your service. Dinner date perhaps? Or a wild experience? Or a holiday? Or just something a bit more low key. We offer a no stress no hassle service. Tell us your requirements and we will meet them for you.  This is why Simply Escorts are in business, to take all the hassle off your hands. For independent escorts you will have to do all the hard work yourself and search and in today’s world do you really have the the time for this?. Escort Agencies are designed for matching your requirements with ease.

If you are looking for escorts in Chester contact Simply Escorts today to all our models profiles

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Covid 19 by Simply Escorts

We at Simply Escorts wish the Prime Minister ‘Boris Johnson’ a full recovery for his illness after his intensive unit care. We are also deeply concerned for the welfare for all the ill people who have this horrific illness.

We are deep in sorrow for all the deaths in the UK and worldwide. Hopefully a vaccine will be solved soon to cure this horrific virus. Our thoughts are with all the families who have lost loved ones already.

As we are an escort agency we still have full compassion for all living human beings. We are a people business after all and humans like humans and we should engage and interact accordingly.

We at Simply escorts support the Covid 19 strategies to combat this horrible virus. Everyone needs to be cautious and consider others at all times. If we all work together we will beat this virus and by doing so Simply Escorts will be at your service once again.

Simply Escorts will be rareing to go once the lockdown is finished and if you need to contact us please call 0333 772 1704 or email us on info@simplyescorts.uk

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Coronavirus by Simply Escorts

Simply Escorts are in full support of the government plans to ‘stay at home’,‘protect the NHS’ and ‘save lives’. This is a time that has halted life as we know it and for good reason throughout the world.

This is hard on everyone in all walks of life. The impact will be untold but one thing for sure is that the British people will fight on and recover.

The escort world has come to a halt also as social meeting and gatherings have halted. We at Simply Escorts will be up and running once the lockdown has stopped.

This is a time for everyone to gather their thoughts and re-group. Think of those simple things in life and learn to appreciate them again. More importantly think about your loved ones and not to take them for granted. Be nice, be respectful, be a decent human being. Work is one thing as we all need to work but greed is another danger in itself. Have a look at yourself and decide what you want in life. Use this time to think and move on for the best. Use this time to reflect and use it to your advantage as best as you can.

Our escorts will be doing the same, having a rest, using their time productively. Although we are not actively working some escorts are using web cams to interact with clients. A very safe alternative. Some of our staff at Simply Escorts are using this service.

We at Simply Escorts wish all our clients future and past to be safe, be careful and we look forward to helping you all again soon.

Visit Simply Escorts now for more information.

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Is plastic surgery common for escorts? by Simply Escorts

In any industry where image is an essential part of business obviously there is a very big temptation for people to go under the knife in order to boost their natural assets. From pornstars to catwalk models, escorts to glamour models, even newscasters and family TV show personalities, the appeal of plastic surgery is always there and, as with any type of surgery, it comes with risks to the potential benefits.

The ‘surgery look’ of unnatural shapes and sizes, especially on women, has grown into its own category as plenty of people do find it very attractive. There are still some, however, who think that the natural look is still the best and tend to steer clear of those who have had excessive amounts of plastic surgery done.

Obviously, with today’s advances in plastic surgery there are a lot of small procedures, whether it is simple Botox or a tummy lift that people can undergo that are imperceptible to most people. These days plastic surgery doesn’t have to be big and noticeable, it can also be subtle, so that nobody would be able to tell that they had surgery at all.

When looking for an escort, some clients want the natural look, some want someone who has had noticeable surgery, and some don’t mind either way. It is all down to the individual. This is why it is always a choice that escorts should not rush into before going under the knife.

Whilst plastic surgery has definitely seen an upswing amongst escorts I recent years, what with it becoming safer and more attainable it is important that an escort decides what kind of escort she wants to be and what type of clientele she wants to attract. Bigger lips and breasts and a smaller waist could help boost an escorts clientele but can also alienate others who prefer the natural look.

If you’re looking for escorts in Chester, contact Simply Escorts today and speak to one of our discreet and exceptional models.  

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What makes an escort the most popular choice? by Simply Escorts

With the stigma surrounding the adult entertainment industry distinguishing more and more over the past few years, escorting is becoming a more popular career choice for many men and women.

One of the biggest misconceptions surrounding escorting is that only the young, skinny, typically beautiful people make any money out of it. In reality, what makes for a popular escort is slightly harder to put your finger on. The biggest question is what makes men and women desire an escort? A lot of the time the answer comes down to the personalities that people want to spend time.

We see many more clients opting for a more wholesome look and personality when choosing an escort. A far cry from the old standard of the dark and dirty underworld image that escorting used to operate. These mature men and women are seeing a lot more business than some younger escorts, especially in the big cities.

Some escorts are very successful over time, and some are successful over a very short period of time. An escort can have a great career from the get-go, only to slowly see their client base dwindle and no new clients take their places. On the other hand, escorts can start out with little business, only seeing a build up of clientele later on that become a regular source of business, usually after building a reputation over time.

It is word of mouth through which most escorts build up a great reputation. This also requires them to provide unique, discreet and outstanding service each and every time. After all, a reputation can be diminished by just one poor experience and people are always more likely to complain about a poor experience than they are to praise a great one.

If you are looking for escorts in Chester, contact Simply Escorts today to see all our models’ profiles.

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The most popular Escort Experiences by Simply Escorts

The modern-day escort provides a wide array of experiences for their clients ranging from the everyday to the bizarre. With the escort industry booming, it is important that each taste and personality is catered for as more men and women turn to escorts for unique experiences and authentic interactions that they can’t find elsewhere.

These are a few of the most common escort experiences that our clients ask for at Simply Escorts:


What could be better than having all the perks of having a boyfriend or girlfriend without any of the downsides? The growing trend in the girlfriend/boyfriend experience is the most notable within the industry as it is now one of the most common requests amongst escorts.

Our escorts provide a unique and authentic GFE/BFE. Whether out on the town or curled up on the sofa at home, you can spend the evening as though they are your closest companion, experiences all the intimate connections of a loving relationship without you having to worry about the restraints that a relationship brings.

Pornstar Experience

Through escort services men and women are able to experience what it is actually like to spend time with a real life pornstar. Ex-pornstars and models who used to work within the industry have turned to escorting for new experiences and challenges, or simply the change of pace of being an escort. They can give their dates a real insight into the world of being a pornstar – a world which is otherwise out of bounds to many, all in a comfortable setting.

The girl/boy next door

Whilst some want the rugged experience of a fully fledged pornstar experience, some opt for the more understated experience of dating the gorgeous girl/boy next door. These are the cute-but-don’t-know-it, everyday people that could be your next-door neighbour except there is one small difference – they have a sexy, sultry side that you otherwise wouldn’t see.

Find exactly what you’re looking for with Simply Escorts in Chester today.  

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How to break the ice on a first encounter by Simply Escorts

Meeting with an escort can be a very similar feeling to a first date. You may have exchanged messages, spoke on the phone; you may have had time to get to know each other online but we all know that it is different when you meet someone in person.

Meeting anyone for the first time can be a daunting situation. Some people are bound to feel nervous but when you meet an escort you want to guarantee you have a good night, so it is good to have a few tricks in your locker in order to break the ice on that first encounter.

The most important thing to remember is whenever you meet a new person, be interested in them. This means asking questions and showing interest in their lives. This makes them feel as though you actually care about meeting them. But there are a few nifty tricks to keep up your sleeve when meeting an escort for the first time.

  1.  Ask them about their profile

An escort’s website profile is where you are going to find out the most information about who you are meeting before you actually meet them. Their profile is a great insight into who they are as a person so make use of it.

Asking open ended questions around an escorts profile shows you’re interested in them and gives them a chance to explain more about their interests and hobbies etc.

  • Ask them how they unwind

For many escorts, business is business and they like to keep their private lives private. But that doesn’t mean you can’t ask them about that they like to get up, just don’t push too far for personal information if they aren’t comfortable with it.

Asking someone how they would spend their next day off will give you a good insight into what they are like as a person; are they going to spend it on the sofa bingeing Netflix, are they meeting up with friends for an evening of drinks or are they going on a 15 mile hike? Their answer will give you good further conversational topics, too.

  • Talk about holiday plans

Where people choose to go on holiday tells you a lot about a person. Therefore, it is good for both you and escorts in Chester to talk about holiday plans to open up conversation and get to know each other better. Chances are you’ll have somewhere in common you both love to travel to/want to travel.  

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What not to do when visiting an escort by Simply Escorts

Meeting an escort for the first time is a unique experience. Because it is so unique, many people misunderstand how they should act when the day finally arrives. Escorting is a job like any other, so it is important that they are treated with respect.

We see a lot of ways that people definitely shouldn’t behave, and things they definitely shouldn’t do on a regular basis. So, to make sure that your first visit means you leave as an escorts new favourite client, rather than their latest nightmare, here is a list of the things you should definitely NOT do when visiting:

Don’t demand an appointment

Your chosen escort may already be booked up to see other guests this week. Most escorts tend to operate on a first come first served basis so don’t try and cut the queue and demand that they see you as soon as possible. Most meeting are organised in advanced to avoid the hassle of trying to organise a last-minute rendezvous, making sure everyone is satisfied with the arrangement.

Don’t get drunk or force them to have a drink

A little bit of Dutch courage is normal; after all, a first meeting can make people a little nervous and one drink can help you unwind. But don’t get drunk to the point where you are not going to be able to enjoy yourself or make your escort feel uncomfortable. Not all escorts choose to drink, so don’t insist on them joining you for a drink either, they will let you know if they want to share a drink with you.

Don’t get too personal

Whilst you should have some conversational topics in mind it is important that you don’t push with questions that are too personal. They may not want to share too much of their personal lives or share personal details. Keep conversation light and flowing but don’t ask your escort anything that may make them feel uncomfortable.

Don’t be disrespectful

A meeting with an escort can be an intimate affair which can often lead people to offer them an ‘escape’ from this life. It is something that people often say to escorts with the best intentions but is extremely disrespectful for someone who has chosen to be an escort as their career.

Don’t make comments about their appearance or personality unless it is to compliment them. Escort websites have clear profiles of all their escorts, with images, so you can choose one you will get on well with before you even meet in person.

If you want to meet one of our escorts in Chester, visit our website today for more information on our available times and dates.

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Meet Roy by Simply Escorts

Meet Roy, our tall and athletic male escort who is full of youthful exuberance but is an industry expert with plenty of experience of treating those lucky guests to the time of their life.

Roy loves to keep in shape, loves to socialise with new people and likes nothing more than to show clients a good time. After starting out in modelling, Roy knew that he wanted something more. He wanted to connect with people on a deeper level, which is what led him to become an escort in the first place. He appreciates the finer things in life. With this tall, sophisticated gentleman, nothing is ever boring. You can spend hours in the company of this big, black haired, brown eyed Adonis without ever wanting to leave.

Every meeting with Roy is new and fresh. He likes nothing more than seeing his clients with a smile on their face and will do whatever he needs to ensure that you leave feeling completely satisfied. Roy provides the ultimate boyfriend experience and knows exactly how to treat a lady to make her feel special; whether through stimulating conversation, or through something more sensual.

Do you need someone to listen? Someone to take you on a romantic tryst? Or do you want someone who can fulfil your desires and meet your individual needs over the course of an intimate evening? Roy is the man who can give you what you want.

Look no further for the perfect companion for any outing, or the perfect someone to have a quiet night in with; someone you can snuggle up on the sofa and share a bottle of wine and have a real conversation with. Once you look into Roy’s eyes, you’ll want to keep gazing into them forever.

For a discreet and exclusively intimate meeting with Roy, check his availability here, he is very flexible and is eager to make your acquaintance.   

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Escort Jobs Available: Thinking Of Becoming An Escort? by Simply Escorts

People get into the escort business by different roads. There is no one route, just like with any other career, but there are a few common reasons why men and women choose to become an escort. Here are some of the reasons that our very own escorts decided to join us…

Escorting can be one of the best paid jobs

Obviously, money is a key factor that influences a lot of people into choosing to become an escort. Once established as an escort that people love to spend time with, word can spread, and business can be good for a successful model. Escorts that get into this business purely for the money rarely last long, because in the long term, this isn’t about quick pleasure, it is about providing personal, intimate experiences that people will want to treasure. The best escorts also have clientele that they see on a regular basis, meaning you have to demonstrate personality and compassion every time you meet with someone.

Escorting helps you free up your personal life

It isn’t all about the money. The escort business is no nine to five; hours are varied, and escorts can choose their own hours and days to work. This gives escorting a work-life balance that very few careers can match. Many people choose to escort as it revolves around their lives, rather than having to manipulate their own lives around their busy work schedule.

Escorting isn’t all about model good looks

A lot of people are deterred from becoming an escort because they believe it is a business purely for young, stunningly attractive models. This couldn’t be further from the truth. People want to meet with escorts of every shape, age and size and most importantly, with a great personality. Preferably with a personality that matches theirs.

People aren’t looking for perfect, they look for what’s perfect for them. And as society changes, people are more comfortable in admitting that what they actually want, may not be considered the norm by many.

If you are thinking of joining our team of Escorts in Manchester, get in touch with us at Simply Escorts today.

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